Diving into the world of snowboard pants can be slightly overwhelming if you don’t know what you’re looking for. Sure, you can base your choice on finding the ‘right colour’ pants but if they lack the characteristics to keep you dry and warm through the day they won’t really be worth spending any money on.
There are a few key specs you want to pay attention to before buying a new pair of snowboard pants. First of all, take a good look at the waterproofing and breathability ratings: it’s all a balancing act between being waterproof and being breathable. If something’s extremely waterproof but doesn’t have that breathability, you begin to sweat. In turn, this means your sweat will have nowhere to go and you’ll be uncomfortable after only a couple of laps.
“If they lack the characteristics to keep you dry and warm through the day they won’t really be worth spending any money on”
Another two key factors when it comes to choosing your snowboard pants is the fabric and insulation. You can choose between a hard shell, soft shell or an insulated model. If you want to find out more about the technical aspects to consider before buying a new pair of snowboard pants, have a read through our in-depth guide on ‘how to choose the best snowboard jackets and pants’.
On top of all the tech, there’s also different types of styles to choose from. Whether you prefer a skinny fit, a baggy fit, or a pair of bib pants you’ll find that there are plenty of options out there.