The annual circus that is the X Games has packed up its tents, put its lions back in their cages and disappeared into the night – at least until next year.
Over the course of past week we’ve followed it in some detail, live-blogging the men’s and women’s slopestyle finals and watching hours of coverage (as well as enduring innumerable ads for America’s Navy, Jeep and Wonga dot com).
The X Games provided a very interesting sneak peak of what might go down at the Olympics.
With the competition being held so close to the start of the Sochi Games (where the snowboarding kicks off with slopestyle qualifiers a week today!) it provided a very interesting sneak peak of what might go down at the Olympics.
And given that many of the results weren’t what we expected, we learned a fair bit – not least that the medals in Sochi are far from a foregone conclusion…