hen you hear ‘Pink Rabbit’ you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s something you’d find in your sexually frustrated wife’s bedside drawer. However, in this instance we’re actually referencing JP Solberg’s mind melting ‘Transcendence’ appearance. You might find JP Solberg in your no-longer-sexually-frustrated wife’s bedside drawer but that’s beside the point.
“You might also find JP Solberg in your no-longer-sexually-frustrated wife’s bedside drawer but that’s beside the point”
Ask any snowboarder what the most iconic video part of the 2000’s is, and we guarantee you at least half of them will say JP Solberg in Absinthe’s ‘Transcendence’. He is legitimately your favourite snowboarders favourite snowboarder. The minute that teenage JP donned that pink bunny suit and went huge to The Beatles he earned his place in Valhalla as one of the greats.

These were the days before quad corks and triple rodeos, where style really was king, and JP’s famously unflappable riding cemented him as one of the world’s best snowboarders.
“I couldn’t wrap my head around why they were putting me in a furry bunny suit when it was almost 25 degrees outside”
WL: Your part in Transcendence was iconic, people still call it one of the best parts ever. How did your life change after that?
JP: To be honest my life was already changing while filming that part. I was riding with people I considered my snowboard heroes who I watched day in and day out on my VHS cassettes, trying to finish high school and traveling the world to shoot photos and film with Absinthe. The bunny thing didn’t happen till summer at Mt Hood and I couldn’t wrap my head around why they were putting me in a furry bunny suit when it was almost 25 degrees outside. Looking back, I’m glad I did.