Seeing the Brisseburger supercharging his already death defying urban antics should blow away any doubts you had about this being one of the movies of the year.
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It’s the weekly CAPiTA Tuesday Trick Tease! Well, it would be if we’d done our job right… Dan Brisse takes his turn at the helm for the penultimate ‘leak’ before Defenders of Awesome 2: STAY BAD ASS goes out on general release in two weeks.
Yup, it really is that close until we get to see the whole team throwing down in what is definitely going to be one of the best full releases of the year. We knew this already, but seeing the Brisseburger supercharging his already death defying urban antics should blow away any doubts you had.
In fact the man himself said this was one of the most insane parts he’s ever filmed when we caught up with him at Mt Hood back in July, check out the full interview here.
But for now sit back and catch a glimpse of just a few of the crazy shots he filmed last winter in what is almost the end of one of our favourite new weekly rituals. CAPiTA may have saved the best for last as with one more ‘leak’ slot to go, there’s been no sign of Scott Stevens yet…
Oh, and don’t forget to come out and get involved with the CAPiTA DOA2 tour and premiere next month – it’s going to be BAD ASS.