We’ve had to wait a couple of months to see this one, but after the visual awesome-ness of the first part of Pilchard TV‘s Traktor-Brød (Tractor Bread) series the Folgefonna edition is finally online.
Ben Howells spent the spring and early summer tailing a bunch of Norwegians in their natural habitat. Whilst in Folgefonna he managed to capture Len Jørgensen, Øivind Fykse, Jonas Steen, Emil Fossheim, Ståle Sandbech and Brage Richenberg at the end of their migration.
As promised, it’s stylish stuff from the Nords, that pumping Viking blood now being channelled into pure snowboarding steeze.
As well as the riding, he’s managed to encapsulate some of the gorgeous scenery around the glacier. There’s summer snowboarding all round the globe these days, but none in as beautiful surroundings as Fonna.
Traktor-Brød is a two-part showcase of snowboarding in Norway. With the ever-increasing level of modern snowboarding, and huge spins and corks commonplace and regularly viewed in contests and videos, Traktor-Brød avoids the trick-heavy approach and instead focuses on style within riding and the stunning Norwegian landscapes surrounding the locales featured.