The mighty Burton Snowboards released this compilation a couple of days ago, which they’re calling ‘The Best of 2010’. Like Ronseal’s range of irritatingly obvious products, this does exactly what it says on the tin – it’s a collection of all the Burton team’s most banging shots from their website over the past season. Needless to say then, that it’s pretty chocka-block full with bangers – from Mark Sollors’ massive backcountry 10s (taken from his award-winning video part) to Keegan Valaika’s steezy jibs and bonks. It also features two of my favourite tricks of the season from our February interviewee Mikkel Bang – that massive backcountry backside 180, complete with his trademark board wiggle, and that hand-planty flip thing over the triangular wotsit. Watching something like this makes you realise just how much strength in depth Burton have on their team. Like the Barcelona of snowboarding, the big B could field at least two world class teams and still have enough super-subs to fill the bench!