This teaser is pretty much the definition of bad ass.
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Oops. So last week we predicted that this Tuesday we’d be seeing Scott Steven‘s Defenders of Awesome 2: STAY BAD ASS teaser. And we were wrong. We forgot about Jess Kimura. Sorry Jess!
That aside, this latest teaser from CAPiTA is pretty much the definition of bad ass. We already know Jess Kimura can shred from the streets to the backcountry and everything in between, so this part is definitely going to be one of the highlights of the year.
Three rad tricks you wouldn’t have thought you’d see in a woman’s part ten years ago. Hell, even five years ago, that powder booter frontside 720 is massive!
With only a week to go until the film can be seen we’re almost literally frothing with excitement here at WL hq!