When you put more than a handful of adept riders together, send them off to some of the most epic snowboard locations on earth, and then capture this brilliance through a lens, the outcome is ‘LACED’. This short film is a genius reflection on snowboarding and, hands down, the best spent six minutes of our week.
There’s plenty of different ways for a filmer to capture the fine art of snowboarding, emphasis on ‘art’. During the past few years, more and more snowboard films have been given a so-called artsy touch. Some may like it, some may not, but when done right it certainly gives the clip in question some extra depth.
“This short film is a genius reflection on snowboarding and, hands down, the best spent six minutes of our week”
‘LACED’ is a short film put together by Marco Morandi, alongside a handful of very good riders. They were sent out on a mission to try out the new Salomon Fit To Ride boots. First off, the crew hits the streets of one of favourite Alpine Mecca’s, Innsbruck. A fine choice, especially since the filmer himself, together with the three amigos of Dylan Norder, Flo Corzelius and Raffi Kossmann, have spent a fair bit of time strolling down the streets of the city. The guys are hitting some pretty gnarly looking spots, and watching them do it is enough to make our knees ache.