This contest is now closed. Well done to Greg Kenny for his winning entry, contact us on Facebook to claim your mug!
Unless you’ve been living underneath a digital rock, you should know by now that CAPiTA put out their trailer for Defenders of Awesome 2 – STAY BAD ASS yesterday, now the most anticipated shred flick coming out this autumn.
In amongst the hammers and trick teasers was this little gem Mike Rav somehow handplanting and getting in an inverted wallride at the same time, banger!
Given the myriad of handplant taxonomy, rather than trying to guess or come up with a name for this we thought we’d throw it open to you, the WL readership.
And even better we’re offering you the chance to win a fabled and hallowed Whitelines mug in the process, all the better for taking a victory sip out of the next time you come up with a witty pun.
All you have to do is enter your idea for a trick name in the comments below before 5pm Monday the 7th July, after which we’ll choose a winner and notify them through Facebook (so be sure to check your ‘others’ folder) and send them a mug. What could be simpler?