The king of grabs had one of it’s best years yet in 2014. Whether you were a jib kid, powder hound or contest robot everyone had theirs out this winter. Tweaked out, poked, twisted, inverted, switch, arched – the old cliche held true, everyone has their own style and unique combination of grab placement and flex and they’re not afraid to show it.
Rather than feeling we’d reached ‘peak method’ we were overjoyed. You can never have too much of a good thing…
In fact most video parts, edits and magazines included at least one – Method Mag even ran a different method on each cover this year – but rather than feeling we’d reached ‘peak method’ we were overjoyed. You can never have too much of a good thing eh?
This was so true that when we were bickering over the ten best tricks of the year, after we’d put together a short list we realised that a significant proportion were basically methods. We decided it was best to give them their own category completely, so here they are in all their hanging, creaking glory: 2013/14’s best methods.
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