
Burton Ripcord 2016-2017 Snowboard Review

The Details:

The great thing about being a beginner these days is that even if you’ve never set foot on a snowboard, you won’t be saddled with one catch-all ‘entry-level’ board. Everyone’s first steps are different, and with a bit of research you can find the stick that will best help you take them.

The Burton Ripcord is more directional in its construction than the other boards in Burton’s entry-level range, so would better suit those who aren’t looking to hit the park in the short-to-medium term. The very slight taper will help you get the hang of smooth turns, but won’t get in the way when you’re ready to ride switch.

The flat base is a great option for newbies, as it offers a more predictable ride. Also, the base of the Ripcord is slightly convex from side to side, so the edges are raised just enough to make the dreaded edge-catch even less likely.

The extruded base isn’t as quick as its sintered equivalent, but why would you want that in the early days, especially when it requires more upkeep? In this way, and in many other ways, the Burton Ripcord is tuned to point your progression in the right direction, with no unnecessary frills.

Tester’s Verdict:

Andrew Duthie – Whitelines

“No-one who has ridden a lot of boards is ever going to be blown away by this, but that’s a moot point. The Ripcord has a job to do, and it does it admirably.

Someone keen to get into freestyle as soon as possible would probably be better off with the Clash, but that’s not to say you can’t have your fun on this. While undeniably solid, it doesn’t feel too heavy, and the flex allows for buttering when you’ve graduated to that stage.

The extruded base is quick enough once you’ve built up some steam, although it’s noticeably slower than its sintered equivalent when you’re creeping along lengthy traverses. However, that’s a minor issue; whether you’re linking your first turns or venturing into the sidecountry after mastering the basics, this is a worthy whip that’ll take a while to outgrow.”

“While undeniably solid, it doesn’t feel too heavy, and the flex allows for buttering when you’ve graduated to that stage.”

[monetizer101 search=’Burton Ripcord’]

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