Now that we’ve all packed away our mankini’s and crocs it’s officially winter. As the season draws ever closer we’re all thrumming with the excitement that comes with powder days, hot laps and a bit of fresh clobber. Unless you’re a rich snowboarder (oxymoron?), mixed in with the buzz of anticipation for your next holiday is the niggling feeling of ‘oh shit this is all getting a bit expensive’. But fear not, for we’re perched on the cusp of some of the biggest savings of the year. These days Black Friday isn’t just an excuse to storm through Costco in a blind rampage to get 15% off a new fridge-freezer, we’re offered some naughty savings on some brand spanking new snowboard gear.
“These days Black Friday isn’t just an excuse to storm through Costco in a blind rampage to get 15% off a new fridge-freezer”
You can still run through Selfridges elbowing the elderly in the face for cut price knitwear if you want, but it’s 2019- who wants to leave the comfort of their bedroom to go shopping? With so many penny pinching offers out there it can become a bit overwhelming scouring the world wide web for the best ones- so we’ve done it for you. You’re welcome. As they say in Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels “It’s a deal, it’s a steal, it’s sale of the fucking century.”*
*Disclaimer: Black Friday is a annual event, but this one may just be the best one of the century*
DC Ply Snowboard
A super versatile board with a freestyle bias, the PLY is a nice intermediate deck with a penchant for fun and games. Biax fibreglass gives the board a playful flex that’s perfect for chomping sidehits and forgiving enough to give you a helping hand when you’re trying to lock in new tricks.
6mm of positive camber gives you a nice pre-loaded ollie and keeps the board snappy and lively as you’re riding. It’s balanced out with flat sections outside the contact points to remove a bit of the traditional catchy feel associated with camber boards.
Was: £369.99 Now: 314.45 BUY DIRECT FROM SURFDOME