The Gremlinz are rather notorious for their brand of booze filled, pill poppin, grimy American rap soundtracked, tall-tee rocking wigga parts. Niko Cioffi’s section from last year’s movie featured some of these elements but seemed somewhat toned down compared to past efforts. Thankfully (or regrettably depending on your personal preferences when it comes to snowboard image), aside from the familiar rap tune, there are even fewer Gremlinz stereotypes in Shane Fortier’s full part, which instead focuses more solely on the urban and powder bangers. This one also features the shred talents of Ryan Alliare, D Con and Taylor Carlton.
Is this lacking some Gremlinz oomph? Or are they realising that some people want to see more of the riding and less of the filler ‘look how dope we are’ stuff? You be the judge.