Victor De Le Rue and Sam Anthamatten push new boundaries in the wildest corner of Alaska. A bush pilot drops the small crew of five on a remote, unexplored glacier to conquer the spine walls in a series of ascents, each one more committed. Narrator Jérôme Tanon describes with honesty and a touch of sarcasm what exactly is going on here. Above all, he wants to feel what it’s like to be in their shoes, to understand what so-called “free riders” are made of, and what could be the purpose and beauty of “freeriding”.
“Victor De Le Rue and Sam Anthamatten push new boundaries in the wildest corner of Alaska”
If you’re keen to find out more, get your hands on the Whitelines Annual, Issue 123, where you can find our exclusive interview with Victor de le Rue, where he fills us in on tackling the insane new spines in AK. In the meanwhile, scroll all the way down to read the full press release from The North Face on Free Rider.

Riders Victor de Le Rue & Sam Anthamatten
Directed by Jérôme Tanon
Produced by Jérôme Tanon, Victor de Le Rue, Sam Anthamatten
Cinematography: Christoph Thoresen, Yannick Boissenot, Jérôme Tanon
Supported by The North Face, Yeti, Smartwool, Blue Tomato
Coulor grading: Sébastien Baudemont @ Endjoy
Sound mixing: Thomas Roche @ Mix&Mouse
Edited by Jérôme Tanon
Photographer: Jérôme Tanon
Soundtrack: Kaleidoscope, Morgen, Yann Tiersen
Festivals & TV relations: Jérôme Tanon, Betty Coquillard
© Georges Biffeton production, Jérôme Tanon
EHO Mountain Film Festival – Best short film
International Freeride Film Festival – Best film
Transylvania Mountain Festival – Mountain film award
Rossland Mountain Film Festival – Best ski or snowboard film