Yuki Kadono was only 16 when he surprised everyone to stomp a backside triple cork and win the 2012 Air & Style Beijing, snatching victory from Peetu Piiroinen at the last second. We’d seen a lot of Japanese talent in the halfpipe, but here was their first contender in the realms of big air and slopestyle.
Still a teenager, Yuki has nevertheless asserted himself in the upper echelons of competition – and even edged out in front at the 2015 Burton US Open, where he landed the first ever back-to-back triple cork 1620s (backside into switch backside) to beat Mark McMorris. Given that he’s a few years younger, and just as good (if not better), he may soon surpass McLovin and Stale Sandbech to become the undisputed best slopestyle rider in the world. Watch this space…