Rachel Verity

Recent Articles By Rachel


12 of the Best European Resorts for Après

Whether you're looking for a few sophisticated Vin Chaudes in a French local or you want to stomp on the rule book and keep the...

12 of the Best European Resorts for Après

Should you Hire or Buy your Snowboard Gear?

While skiers can rest assured that their rental planks have been built this side of the millennium, snowboard rental gear tends to be a little...

Should you Hire or Buy your Snowboard Gear?

Cab 180

Do a backside or frontside 180 and you're going to land travelling backwards, so how do you revert to riding normal again?

How to Cab 180


http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkyqx59x63 Frontside and backside airs are the first tricks you normally learn in a pipe, but before moving onto spins, there’s a further category to understand:...

How to Ally-oop
Rails & Jibbing

Backslide Lipslide

http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkykj7w8jg Often confused with the frontside boardslide the backslide lipslide a.k.a. ‘back lip’ is arguably even more stylish. So what exactly is a lipslide? Well, it...

How to Backside Lipslide
Rails & Jibbing

Backside Blunt 270 Out

http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkyld3nksd The Backside Blunt 270 Out is difficult enough to say, never mind perform, but if you’re getting serious about your jibbing then combos like these...

How to Backside Blunt 270 Out
Rails & Jibbing


http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkylnilz3c Hitting your first wallride is potentially daunting. The secret – like rails – is to forget all you know about using your edge. Instead, remember...

How to Ride a Wall

Frontside 540 Indy

http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkxocvu0m9 The frontside 540 is a pretty advanced trick for most snowboarders, but broken down into composite parts it is achievable. If you’ve got frontside 360s...

How to Frontside 540 Indy

Frontside 180 Melon Grab

The frontside 180 melonchollie (or ‘melon’ to give it its shorter title) is a beautiful, classic trick. The grab is perfectly suited to fronstide 180s...

How to Frontside 180 Melon Grab


http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkxjkdvb8m The method was dreamed up by skateboarder Neil Blender – a vert-riding legend who entered a highest air contest in California in 1985 with rules...

How to do a Method

Frontside 180

http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkxjdntjbu Once you’ve got flat ollies down and you want to start on your freestyle career, you’ll probably want to throw a 180. The frontside version...

How to Frontside 180


http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkxj7zhnwt Ollies were invented in 1975 when an American skateboarder named Alan ‘Ollie’ Gelfand kicked his skateboard off the vert section of a halfpipe and caught...

How to Ollie
Rails & Jibbing

Rock Fakie

Before trying this trick it’s good to be comfortable riding backwards (switch) for the fakie part. And yes – backwards, switch and fakie are all...

How to Rock Fakie with Nate Kern
Rails & Jibbing

Backside Disaster

This is another lip trick that’s been taken from skateboarding. It’s more of a challenge than the Rock Fakie and can be made more difficult...

How to Backside Disaster with Nate Kern
Rails & Jibbing

Gap to Frontside Boardslide

OK, this has to be done on a flat down or a kinked box or rail – anything that has something you can air over...

How to Gap to Frontside Boardslide
Trick Tips

Switch Backside Boardslide to 270 Out

So, once you’re comfy with switch and riding boxes, the next step is switch board slides. You’re now entering the realm of jibbing combos… 1. APPROACH Roll...

How to Switch Backside Boardslide to 270 Out
Trick Tips

Backside 360 Tail

In some ways back 3’s are actually easier than the 180, since the takeoff is less subtle and the landing isn’t ‘blind’. It might look...

How to Backside 360 Tail

Backside Rodeo 540 Melon

  http://mpora.com/videos/AAdkyjtq22ew Backside rodeos are a fun trick to learn. They are by no means easy, but once you can do them it’s a great feeling and...

How to Backside Rodeo 540
Rails & Jibbing

50-50 to Frontside Boardslide

This is such a fun trick to do – it feels great when stomped perfectly! The frontside boardslide is an absolute classic, so mastering this...

50-50 to Frontside Boardslide with Sam Turnbull
Rails & Jibbing

50-50 180 TO SWTICH 50-50

So you think you’ve mastered the first trick ay? Well here’s another fun one to learn – 50-50 frontside 180 to switch 50-50.It’s a little...

How to 50-50 180 TO SWTICH 50-50 with Sam Turnbull

Tail Grab

Yes I love tail grabs! It’s a medium difficulty grab as you have to reach a bit more, but so much fun and can be...

How to Tail Grab

Frontside 360 Off a Cliff

A front side three is one of the best-feeling tricks you can ever do on a snowboard. Stomping it off a cliff makes this already smooth-looking trick...

How to Frontside 360 Off a Cliff with Gigi Ruf
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