Will step-ins lead to more skate-inspired tricks, like this one-footer from Nick Visconti? Photo: Matt Georges
You know when you get that feeling that you really, really want to say “I told you so”, but know that you shouldn’t because it is a total dick thing to do, but you still do it anyway?
Like when… oh, I don’t know… someone buys a rocker snowboard only to find that they can no longer turn properly (but still claim that it makes snowboarding more “fun”, as if not ever being able to properly hold an edge and eating shit on icy red runs is “fun”). Or when people try to change a lightbulb without turning the electricity off at the mains first, and electrocute themselves.

Anyway, that’s how I felt recently when Burton announced the return of the Step In, or rather, the arrival of the Step On. It was like a lifetime of “I told you so” moments rolled up into one, after which I proceeded to annoy everyone I have ever met who cares about snowboarding (and who thought the Step-in would never return) by saying “I told you so”, like a fucking annoying school swot who did extra revision for algebra when everyone else was assuming that the exam would be all about trigonometry.
“I am shamelessly, wholeheartedly, fully balls-in to the concept of Step-Ins. I am so happy that someone is trying to unlock the next level of the Matrix”
I have long been a wilful contrarian, essentially taking positions that I don’t really even agree with just for the sake of making an argument, metaphorically poking the snowboarding bear that is doing a shit in the woods on the internet, while the Pope makes dope smoke signals. It’s much more fun than just agreeing with everyone else.