Like a lot of Quebecois snowboarders, Marie-France developed a knack for freestyle at a young age. Soon she was travelling the world, winning slopestyles and rail jams alike. Nowadays, though, you’re far more likely to find her in the backcountry – indeed, along with the likes of Annie Boulanger and Helen Schettini, MFR is spearheading the newest wave of powder-riding females.
Naturally, she caught the attention of Absinthe Films, appearing in 2009’s Neverland and 2010’s NowHere. She also put together a two-year film project called The Little Things that showcased not only the riding of Jeremy Jones, Mike Basich and Gretchen Bleiler, but also her eco credentials.
Now signed to Arbor Snowboards – a good fit if ever there was one – she continues to crush it in the steep and deep.