With all these edits from the Alps, North America and Japan flying about the place like a swarm of over-excited swallows at their new migratory home, it can be easy to forget sometimes that there’s a fair bit of snowboarding, on real snow, on actual legit mountains (kind of…) to be had here in the UK. Jamie and Angus Trinder, Angus Leith and Mike Austin know it and have been making the best of the snow up at Cairngorm with a session on a kicker, well, erm, bump… thing. It may not be the most perfectly shaped feature ever built but the guys still manage to go impressively big off it, taking a good few slams in the process. Don’t miss Jamie’s steezy-as frontside 720 at 1:09 or Gus Leith’s rad todeo 720 either.
We’re always up for seeing more fun little homegrown edits like this one so get out there, get some shots, stick ’em up on Mpora and we’ll post the best ones here on Whitelines.