Here’s yet more insane footage of Travis Rice and friends the forthcoming super-snowboard-flick the Art of Flight – which, if the trailers are anything to go by are go by, is going to be so epic it’ll be like the final Harry Potter film dry-humping the third part of the Lord of the Rings. But while we have no doubt that the final product will re-define the concept of awesomeness, we also have no doubt that it took a hell of a lot of time, frustration, and effort (not to mention money!) to make.
We heard one story from a production insider that had the whole crew flying down to Chile for two weeks, helicopters booked and everything set to go, only to find that there was no snow! This latest teaser shows some of those frustrations, and some of the gnarly slams and pitfalls the crew met along the way. We’re not 100% sure, but we think they might be being sarcastic with that title…