What is it with French-Canadians dropping the most intense urban trailers? We had a glimpse at the new Brothers Factory flick Hungry a while back, which featured a very similar rider list as this new offering Déjà Vu, and was also boss.
While Hungry had more of a raw vibe to it, Déjà Vu feels a little more refined and epic. It is, after all, a two-year project, and the crew are gearing up to drop hammer-filled webisodes over the course of the next winter leading up to the release of the full movie in just over a year’s time. Highlights (if you had to pick some – the whole thing’s bloody good!) are Nic Sauve’s wallride frontflip, LNP’s massive boardslide, Will Lavigne’s step down boardslide and Frank April’s huge transfer to front board.
The eight guys (LNP, Nic Sauve, Will Lavigne, Frank April, Phil Jacques, Alex Cantin, Ben Bilocq, Louif Paradis) grew up riding together and have since become some of the most progressive urban riders in recent memory. This project will be the first that all eight of them star in since Bandwagon (2006). And by the looks of it so far, it’s going to be one hell of a movie.