Watching footage of folk going upside down has inspired many a rider to take up snowboarding – on a sheer crowd-pleasing level, nothing comes close. So once you’ve got the basic spins under your belt, you may be tempted to go for one of the true classics of trickdom.
Most riders who can do them will tell you that they’re actually fairly straightforward to get to grips with, and that something like a much frontside 360, while far less scary, is actually more of a challenge. If you can muster up the courage to give these a try on a powder day, you may just surprise yourself.
One snowboarder who’s definitely got them dialled is Katie Ormerod. During her pre-season mission with the GB Park & Pipe team to Stubai in the Austrian Tirol, we trained our super-slow-motion camera on her as she floated a few round.