As the season is only about to start, we may have forgotten how much pain we tend to be in by the end of it. Cracking knees, aching hips, and the overall feeling that we’ve just been run over by a massive truck is highly common as the season begins to reach its end – and sadly, this is something that doesn’t get better with age.
For years I’ve been complaining about my (pardon my French) fucked-up knees and hips. Basically, as the trees begin to blossom – my body begins to perish. Come Spring Break, and I can barely walk. Whether this is due to the excessive consumption of alcohol or simply too much snowboarding, I cannot say. Nevertheless, the pain can be excruciating. Year after year I swear to myself that I’ll warm up before hitting the slopes and do my stretches when I get home – and I’ve still never done either of the two.
“Year after year I swear to myself to warm up before hitting the slopes and do my stretches when I get home – I’ve done neither of the two”
I’d also like to take a wild guess and say this isn’t an unfamiliar feeling to most snowboarders out there. So, what is there to do if we want our joints to still be strong enough to take the impacts of snowboarding at the age of 60? Well, yoga is a good start.
Disclaimer: We’re not saying that yoga will save you from pain or injuries, but it does a good job of preventing the latter.