This is one of the easier kicker tricks to master early on, once you’ve got basic grabs dialled. It feels fun, looks pretty stylish and will help you nail your control over the board in the air, enabling you to do tweaks and stuff more easily.
1) Approach the kicker with weight evenly spread and pop an ollie off the lip, with your weight ever so slightly over your toes.
2) Now you’re in the air, turn your board 90 degrees in the direction of a toeside turn. It helps to twist your shoulders in the opposite direction to balance out the movement.
3) Keep it tweaked for as long as possible, and if you like, add a little poke like Thomas Harstad here. Before you land, twist your shoulders back into line with where you’re heading – and the board should follow.
4) Land with a flat base and board pointing the exact direction you’re heading. If you touch down slightly on your toe edge it’ll help you keep things in control.