Once any residual smugness about having procreated has died away, and you have managed to get your kids beyond the stage of crapping into their hands and rubbing it in their face, one’s thoughts turn to the skills, wisdom and values you are going to impart on the next generation.
You envisage your progeny having a love of fine art, an appreciation of global mores and culture, a firm (but not obsessive) grasp of algebra. But most importantly, above all, one hopes they will develop the ability to perform a miller flip on a trash can, and instinctively know how to colour match their gloves and goggle strap.
I am a dad, and I am very proud to have created three little snowboarders. My daughters – Daisy (9), Mila (8) and Sukie (5) – are all shredding with style, courage and panache… and they also know how to claim a trick with just the right amount of irony.
Here is my 13 step guide to getting your kids slipping sideways and inculcating them with the values of the global cult of snowboarding, with as little pain and stress as possible.