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Lib Tech | The Future Is Female

Lib Tech release their hotly anticipated women's line...

Above: Women’s Lib-eration PC: Tim Zimmerman

When we heard faint whispers that Lib Tech were going to be releasing a dedicated women’s line, we were pretty fucking stoked. Given the chance the ladies at Whitelines will wax poetic about their favourite Gnu boards, so the opportunity to ride some funky Lib shapes piqued our curiosity.

Now, it’s not like Lib have had some groady gatekeeper stopping chicks from enjoying their boards, over the years they’ve championed some of the OG female riders. Barrett Christy, Janna Meyen and Shannan Yates all made waves while riding unisex Lib boards and the impact they made paved the way for the new generation to come out swinging. Rather than sitting back and resting on these success stories, Lib have taken it one step further and released this whole line of women’s specific boards.

Lib Tech Dynamiss PC: Tim Zimmerman

They’ve worked extensively with their female riders to create a line of snowboards that will appeal to a broad range of people. Whether you’re wanting to lay down tracks on groomers, tear shit up in the park or head out on a dawn patrol splitboard mission, there’s a board that’ll have your back. The four womens specific models– The No. 43, The Dynamiss, The Glider and The Cortado are joined by their very own Orca and Split BRD. As with all Mervin offerings, they’ll be produced in their zero hazardous waste facility in the USA.

Lib Tech welcome Estelle Pensiero to their women’s team, a 16-year-old Baldface regular who rips harder and charges faster than most dudes twice her age. She epitomises the ethos of the new Lib range- being unapologetically female and unabashedly badass.

Estelle Pensiero making tracks on the Dynamiss PC: Tim Zimmerman

We were lucky enough to take a few of the new range out for a spin earlier this year, and the boards went down a treat with our test team. Check out our reviews for the all-mountain maverick Dynamiss here and the fiery No. 43 here.

This unveiling is especially rad because these boards aren’t just smaller, flowery versions of the dudes ones. They’re designed for the particular biomechanics and specific needs of female riders. Plus, ain’t nobody complaining when the graphics include Jamie Lynn’s art.

So, whip off your bras and grab your lighters chicas- The Future is Female.

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