In honour of Gigi Rüf visiting London last week to premiere his new snowboard film, ‘9191’, we thought we’d post this classic intro from possibly the greatest Volcom movie of them all, Subjekt Haakonsen. Directed by Dave Seone (a former pro rider himself, who later went on to produce The Haakonsen Faktor and The White Album) Subjekt was the first video to focus on a single iconic snowboarder. At the time of its release in 1996, Terje was at the height powers – dominating the ISF halfpipe circuit and claiming enders in numerous Standard flicks. This film dropped on an unsuspecting scene like a bombshell, inspiring thousands of us to search out those hard-to-find clothes with the weird stone emblem and cementing Terje’s status as a living legend. It didn’t follow the usual formula for a snowboard movie (with clear 2 minute sections and shoddy punk tracks) but flowed freely between the Sprocking Cat and his talented friends to a trippy soundtrack which kicked off with the heavy bass lines of Primus. None of this would have worked, of course, unless the riding itself was special, and in this respect Subjekt Haakonsen was (for its time) truly next level. So, as you await the chance to see Gigi taking up the mantle in the latest Veeco production, don the rose-tinted specs for a moment and enjoy.