The Grenade Games, brainchild of Olympic medallist/glove baron/amateur herbologist Danny Kass, were held last week at Bear Mountain. Now in their 7th year, the Games took place about a month earlier than the usual date of April 20th. Perhaps 326 is the new 420…. Anyway, here’s all the action from day one.
While past games embraced traditional snowboard events alongside sheer lunacy, this year everything was a bit different. Louie Vito talks us through the ‘dual mini pipe’, two glorified ditches filled with plenty of featues to jib on the way down, including someone’s old van. Next up is the ‘Great Divide’ comp, where it’s all about a massive transfer. Hats off to the guy who floats a huge backside rodeo Japan over the gap! Madness.
The event runs smoothly from the looks of things, with Danny seeming pretty relaxed. Surely no-one who partakes could successfully plan and execute such an event? Mind you, only someone who gets through an eighth a day could come up with something like the Chinese Eyes Downhill….