Sometimes these episodes of Every Third Thursday really knock it out the park. We love watching people build shit, we love watching people destroy shit, and we love snowboarding. Oh yeah, and we love bourbon (yeah yeah, we know JD is actually a sour mash…) so watching Jack Daniels barrels being made, filled, broken down then turned into a set back whip for John Jackson to take to Mammoth in the spring was simply, a joy.
Not only that, but the best ETT creations are invariably the ones that work just as well as they’re quirky, which this seemed to do with its oak-wood core. Mmmmm, oaky… After Burton broke the smell-o-vision barrier with the Lip-Stick last season, a fab lolly scented board, what we wouldn’t give for the scent of Eddy Wall‘s Sunday-morning-breath mixing in with the good time smells of a snowboard shop this autumn! Nice work Signal.