
20 Questions for… Mags Dubois

Mags rocking her Nikita Jacket - Photo: Daniel Blom/Nikita

What with the sick article on jibbing Quebec that’s coming up in our February issue, we thought it would be a great idea to catch up with a local. So we hit up cheeky Quebecoise lass Magalie ‘Mags’ Dubois for the latest in our series of mini interviews with the Nikita girls. Not only can this little lady really ride (check out the video at the bottom of the interview) she’s also a proper character.

Where are you from originally?
I’m from a lil’ town called St-Jovite, in Quebec, Canada.

Where did you learn to snowboard?
At Mont-Tremblant, in Quebec. I hated my first time, but got hooked by the second and third times… that’s what she says!!!

Who inspired you to take it up?
Prob my bro, cause he was the only one in the family to snowboard, everybody else either coached or competed in skiing at some point of their lives. It was also a cool kids sport at the time, I guess I wanted to be a cool kid!!!

If you could ride anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Anywhere I could snowboard during the day then pick up my surfboard in the afternoon. I’d love to discover Europe but I’ve been saying that for the last couple years. I might have to do something about it now!

What film projects or contests are you working towards this year?
My own filming project, you’ll hear about it soon enough! With a couple contests here and there as well! Shooting the most I can!

Mags killing it in Brighton, Utah - Photo: Daniel Blom/Nikita

Name one bad thing about being a pro snowboarder.
Not getting your cheques in time! And the recession… You’re an accessory, not a necessity in a company. (Most of the time anyway!) But life could be worse…

Who do you admire outside of snowboarding?
My family, they’re so great. And everybody following their passions and doing things from their heart with no inhibitions, for the common interest and not just their own lil’ self!

What’s the most expensive thing you own?
I’d say my knowledge, couple grand invested in there ;)!

Mags kickin it gangsta style - Photo: Daniel Blom/Nikita

What do you look for in a man (or woman)?
Fire and passion!! Honesty and communication always helps and of course you need to be able to follow me or else I’ll get bored! That person also needs to have a profound desire to discover the world along by my side!

Tell us a secret.
Well, if I tell ya, it won’t be a secret anymore, will it!?

Park or pow? Now that I’m getting older, I appreciate more and more pow and backcountry!
Frontside or backside? There was a time when I always went backside, but now I also enjoy it frontside!! hehe!
Kicker or cliff drop? Drop it down low!
Baggy or tight? Baggy on the hill, tight off the slopes.
First lift or last orders? Both
Band or DJ? DJ all the way, but if a band is good, I’m always down!
Surf or skate? Surf hands down! Unfortunately I can’t skate except for mini-ramp, but it’s been a while!
Sean Connery or Roger Moore? Who?! C’mon, I ain’t looking for a suga’ daddy, gimme a real papi chulo!
Chocolate or alcohol? Wouw, that’s a hard one! I like ’em both very equally!! In a healthy way off course! (Yeah right!)
Snowboarding or sex? Houuuuu, man your questions are hard ;)!!! I also love them very equally, they’re just 2 very different ways to evacuate stress and gain pleasures!

I’m currently looking for a board, binding, boot sponsors!! C’mon, you know you want me ;)!!!

Nikita, Axis, Electric, Les Ettes, Elm, Celtek, Tremblant Resort, Shred Betties, Rugged Riders.

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