After their Spring Break in Laax, Ethan Morgan, Mario Kaeppeli, Flo Corzelius and friends are now back on their summer holidays, shredding the glacier parks of Austria like they were going out of fashion.
They somehow came back with this documentary showing the beauty of nature, the pleasure of snowboarding together and having a great time
Hintertux, Planai, Dachstein and Obertauern all get a seeing to, and in their own words they “somehow came back with this documentary showing the beauty of nature, the pleasure of snowboarding together and having a great time.”
Yeah, right. Ear hemorrhaging music aside, there’s some pretty riotous park riding going one here, heaps of twisty rail pretzels and nose bonky ramped slo mos, even and almost inappropriately gorgeous looking sunset kicker shot.
The shirtless pond skim at the start is a ballsy maneuver, but not even half as much as the bizzare matchsticks to rail combo near the end – that thing is a splintery face full of scorpion waiting to happen if ever we’ve seen one.
These boys can shred as hard as they party, and in June at that. Props!