Whether you’re someone who flaunts your new gear like it gives you superpowers or rock the all-black secret agent look to draw as little attention as possible to yourself, there’s no avoiding the rather depressing fact that the clothes you wear snowboarding will be judged by someone. It all really just boils down to whether you choose to care or not.
Every summer, a large chunk of the professional snowboard world assembles at Mt. Hood to snowboard, skate, eat good food and chill out. Most will be rocking next year’s apparel but with the weather often being better suited to monging out at the beach rather than being stuck halfway up a mountain, there’s usually much more scope for riders to get out-there with their gear choices.
Now, before we get ahead of ourselves we felt it was probably worth reminding everyone that trends come and go like teenage zits, and while the 5 that we’ve clocked at this year’s summer camps aren’t gonna be for everyone, we feel like it’s at least partly our duty to try and identify them.
Hate/defend/take notes as appropriate…