So over the wonderfully long Jubilee weekend, GoPro announced the latest addition to its insanely popular POV camera series. Like the Battery and LCD BacPac’s, the new Wi-Fi BacPac slots onto the back of the GoPro and allows you to operate up to 50 cameras (yes, 50!) simultaneously and remotely via your smartphone (if you have the new HD Hero 2), or with an optional remote.
So what does that mean for us budding action sports filmers? Well, essentially with this new bit of kit you can now capture multi angle shots of yourself without the need for any buddies! Saying that you’d probably want at least one mate to keep an eye on the 50 odd GoPro’s that you’ve just splashed out on and set up on the hill while you book it down to the chair for another lap…
Check out this sick little video of Ryan Sheckler in New York using the thing:
And here’s a choice quote from the official press release, which is in places, brilliantly cheesy:
A new era of ‘personal production’ has begun and Wi-Fi-enabling our cameras gives GoPro customers even more creative control to capture some of the most meaningful content in the world: their lives.
In all seriousness though this new addition does sound pretty cool and will no doubt result in even more ridiculously sweet looking footage. It’s also worth mentioning that you can live stream video from your GoPro directly to your iPhone or to the web. Are we going to be seeing GoPro footage incorporated into the live streams of the future or even shot solely on GoPro’s? The possibilities are endless…
Let us know what you think of this geeky new addition. Can you see yourself using it and if so, for what?