Anyone who associates female rail riding with slow-speeds, coming off early and zeaches really ought to quit the bitching and watch this. Like many riders in the UK, Rachida Aoulad El Haj Amar (or just Rachida Aoulad as she’s more well known) has grown up riding indoor fridges, because like the UK, her native land of Holland is rather flat.
She’s honed an enormous bag of tricks and shreds with some of the best lazy female steez we’ve ever seen: front boardslides through double kinks, 360 outs and switch front blunts all look completely effortless and with skills like this there’s no surprise that she won last years Rock a Rail jam in The Hague. She’s honestly like the female equivalent of Denis Leontyev, who also rocketed into the spotlight with his dome edits.
We look forward to seeing her take it to the mountains and streets!