Loose change is a pain in the arse (not literally). It was therefore totally logical for Dave Lee to conjure up the idea of using all those redundant pennies on an Every Third Thursday build. But while his intentions are good, the resulting board is, let’s face it, a bit shit. Jake Olson Elm takes said board, complete with ‘penny traction’ (they won’t be patenting that particular innovation that’s for sure) up for a spin and ends up leaving a trail of copper behind him. Usually when you follow a trail of goodies, say sweets for example, you’d expect to reach some sort of treasure at the end of it. In this instance you’d reach a terrible looking snowboard with a load of holes in it. Some poor sod with a metal detector is probably losing his shit up at Keystone right now…
We don’t quite know how Jake O-E mustered up the courage to boardslide that thing – surely an edge catch waiting to happen. Still, while it wasn’t the most successful build ever, it’s another fun episode from the ETT crew, just don’t count on us putting pennies in our snowboards anytime soon.