Soloshot is the automatic cameraman, with this gadget you will never need someone to film you hitting rails, kickers, or anything again! This sounds like pretty whacky technology which you most probably think won’t work, but check this out:
The whole concept came from a group of guys not having anyone to film them whilst they were surfing. They invented this clever gadget which fits onto a tripod and your camera then attaches to the top of it. Whilst you are surfing, snowboarding or doing whatever you wear an arm mounted sensor which is paired to the Soloshot unit. From there it follows you wherever you go, panning really smoothly.

One Youtube commenter put this:
I think he has made a really valid point, and I think that if Sloshot do any future upgrades this should be a consideration. But what do you guys think, could this work for snowboarding as it is now?