Spring laps are officially upon us, and without fail as soon as the sun rears its pretty little head the fashion up the hill starts noticeably changing. It evolves gently, like a prehistoric fish slowly growing legs and working its way out of the boggy marsh onto dry land- the colours leisurely start getting more lairy, the hat brims steadily get wider and the layers get peeled off and left behind in a sweaty pile day by day.
We’ve curated a collection of spring looks, our #WLSpringLookBook if you will, we’ll leave you to be the judge as to whether these are for Dons or Douchebags though. Hot or not? You decide, we’re just sowing the seeds, it’s up to you to bring these looks into fruition or banish them to the depths of fashion hell. We are merely a vessel for ideas, you are the glorious ship to sail them into the blazing sunset.
T Shirt Face Mask
A personal favourite, it’s stylish and sunsafe, what more could you ask for? With the unrelenting sunrays beating down and bouncing off the snow back onto your delicate face, you’re doubly likely to end up with a hectic goggle burn. Now if the Neapolitan ice cream look isn’t up your street, you can always rock the t shirt ninja mask. In case you’re unfamiliar with the concept, we have found this super cool instructional video to help you out. Now if you’re unable to get a stretchy black t shirt from the Gap for $10, you can substitute with any t shirt you like, you’re the boss.