Ero-one is the snowboard film crew that made its mark last year with Stick ‘Em Up – a debut that oozed French style and a sense of (slightly insane) fun. This year, they’ve followed that up with Voila, and ever since we saw this teaser we’ve been frothing at the prospect of watching it. So we’re pretty pleased to announce that ‘les bons gars’ from Ero-one have decided to let us stream it section by section here on, starting with the intro and Maiko Nicolet’s opener. Interesting how French the intro feels compared to how American gangster Nicolet’s style is… keep your eyes peeled for more of this kind of goodness from Florent Marot, Vincent Pages, Max Delayen, Julien Rochette, L’Arrogs, Tim Cachot, Dim Biau, Dan Premand and friends dropping every Monday and Friday for the next few weeks. And if that all sounds a bit euro for your tastes, remember Brit-born rail slayer Chris Cunningham is also part of the crew.