Back in April, the Nike Chosen Sessions went down in Montafon, Austria. Andy Nudds rode hard for the UK hard but wasn’t the only dude out repping it for ol’ Blighty. Halifax mat-rat turned full-blown Nike pro, Jamie Nicholls was also out sessioning the park alongside teammates Louie Vito, Danny Kass and Austin Smith.
This episode of ‘Livin Louie Vito’ follows Louie’s experience at the Chosen sessions and our Jamie features pretty heavily! Whether it be taking eggs in the face like a champ, showing off his card tricks or teaching Louie his best Yorkshire slang, Jamie has certainly left an impression on Mr. Vito – how’s that for some praise (at 6:06)?
We also get a better look at Jamie’s ridiculous transfer from cone to wallride, which is still one of the most impressive and original lines we saw come out of the Chosen sessions. We look forward to seeing what Jamie brings to the table in 2013. Killing it dude!