Fans of Korua will already be familiar with their brands ethos of taking the humblest act of snowboarding – the turn – and not only placing it front and centre, but turning it (pardon the pun) into an art form of itself.
And Mochi Yuki hits the brief right on the money, capturing riders Nicholas Wolken, Rúnar Hjörleifsson, Atsufumi Mizuno, Takahiro Amano, Shohei Funaki, Anni Laura Maria, Masaki Miyazaki, Akiel Irikawa, and Daisuke Nakagawa drawing their own unique lines through deep Japanese forest, slashing snow higher than you thought imaginable, ripping carves and buttering around the resort, all with the precise style we know and love Korua for.

Some may call this snow-porn, but we think that’s a little smutty, as this feels more like the kind of high-brow life drawing classes you find in trendier parts of London. Yes, they’re in the same category, but this is more like art and less like a 14year old boys froth fest.
You’ll also find plenty of tasteful B-Roll, that, unlike in your classic snow-porn vids features far more of the local life that the crew indulged in than shot-gunning beers and heavy slams.

All-in, Mochi Yuki does a great job of showcasing the beauty one can find on a trip to Japan in a way that’s true to the spirit of both the trip, and Korua. Behold 4 minutes of some of the most divine turns you’ll see this season from the powder capital of the world.
Filmed by: Matt Foley
Edited & Colour Design by: Ryan Hill
Featuring: Nicholas Wolken, Rúnar Hjörleifsson, Atsufumi Mizuno, Takahiro Amano, Shohei Funaki, Anni Laura Maria, Masaki Miyazaki, Akiel Irikawa, Daisuke Nakagawa Music: “Seabird” by Alessi Brothers
Header Image: Nicholas Wolken gets lost in the whiteroom.
Photo: Matt Foley