Fridtjof Sæther Tischendorf or ‘Fridge’ as he’s better known is easily one of our favourite riders, and in all likelihood, he’s probably one of yours too. His affable personality is the yin to the yang of his explosive style and when you factor in his ability to brush off a gut-wrenching slam and his deep bag of tricks, it’s no wonder this guy is on everybody’s radar. With a score of top-ticket sponsors, and legions of fans waiting with bated breath for him to drop new clips on social media, Fridge’s world domination is all systems go with no signs of slowing anytime soon.
OG Wildcat and renegade JF Pelchat developed NOW Bindings after dreaming of revolutionising the binding industry, which in comparison to the leaps and bounds made in snowboard development had grown rather stale.

He drew inspiration from the trucks of skateboards after a lightbulb moment in his garage in Whistler and began studying their mechanics to fine tune SkateTech. This new system forswears the traditional baseplate element of a binding, and instead uses a sophisticated fulcrum system to transfer energy straight to the edges of your snowboard. The efficiency on offer is next level, plus with the swappable bushings and highbacks the customisation options offer true versatility for a range of different riders and terrain.