Last week saw the biggest and he best (sunniest) board test ever, Kaunertal was the host once again and the Whitelines machine rolled into town, determined to test, photograph and video more product than ever before. News of the test and the range of product available for testing had got around and the world and his bananna where trying to make it to Kaunertal for a shred and some pork.
Kaunertal was chosen for the test for a second year running for precisely two reasons, An epic park and the best snow conditions this side of alaska.
With more than a trillion peices of hardware to photograph over four days there was a lot of work to be done and photographers Russ Shea and James North played a blinder keeping there lenses in focus even when there eyes were’nt
More Bindings!!!
New to this years workload, some bright spark had the idea of creating video reviews for some of the choice products coming to our shores in 08/09. We managed to knock out 100+ so keep you eyes trained on your favorite retailer website for inside info from the reps and riders.