Regular Whitelines readers will recall that we’ve been running a competition to win free Westbeach gear for life. That’s right, a new jacket and pant every winter for as long as your arthritic legs can ride! Having been bombarded with thousands of entries all season, Ed the editor popped up to Manchester last week to visit the Westbeach office and select a winner.
Every name on the entry list was given a number and tossed into the hat – or in this case, a rather flash Westbeach bin. Sue from Westbeach did the honours and pulled out number 782. a.k.a…
(drumroll please)
Phil Parkin from Dollis Hill, London.
Phil ‘Fourleaf’ Parkin will now be taking his holidays alone due to being the envy of his mates. Directions to Phil’s local OXFAM can be found here…
We suggest heading down here each December to pick up his latest cast-offs.