The Big Bang Snowboard Show mini site is now live and includes all the info you need to make the most out of your day. Pre booking is now open for all the coaching sessions, you can now reserve your slot for any of the coaching groups and we recommend booking early to avoid disappointment.
The coaching programme this year is better than ever. We have the all girl Roxy Riding Sessions with the Roxy team and The K2 Riding Clinic with snowboardcoach.co.uk. For all you freestylers we have hooked up something extra special. Onesnowboarding.co.uk is the new coaching company formed by Olympic freestyle coach Hamish McKnight and Olympic Pipe rider Dan Wakeham, these two super experienced coaches will be taking the lead on The Salomon Kicker Sessions and The Forum Rail Sessions.
Surely Bag A Pro will be one of the most popular coaching sessions, get some private one on-to-one tuition with a top UK pro rider! This session lets you concentrate on whatever aspect of your riding you want and with expert guidance your snowboarding will come on leaps and bounds.
Make your booking here
Full Big Bang Snowboard Show info here
*for demo and coaching slope rates apply.