Last week we posted this crazy video of a sledneck nearly sending himself off the edge of a cliff. This dude was lucky to be alive.
We had an interesting response on Facebook, an unexpected barrage of comments from slednecks and environmentalists debating whether we should be polluting the earth with noisy, gas-guzzling sleds.

Sleds are after all an important tool for snowboarding. You simply wouldn’t be able to reach certain spots in the backcountry without them. But riding them around just for the sake of it? That seems all a bit too “petrol-head-esque” for us really…
There was some pretty vocal opinions from readers on our Facebook wall, so we’ve collected together some of the most noteworthy responses below.
Chris Cracknell begun the debate by raging about how loud, smelly snowmobiles are. This set everyone off… (Sportcist! What a word!)

Volcanoes cause more ‘pollution’ than sleds? Reminds us of that fact that cows’ farts emit more greenhouse gases than cars…..
Like Chris, Sam Cross was obviously very cross (sorry, we couldn’t resist) about the impact sleds have on the environment
Others took to Sam’s comment, well, let’s say not very well…

Seven “likes” for Brad Johnson’s hate!

Some of the comebacks were pure genius…
…if slightly mis-spelled (“waking” one off over Justin Bieber?)

Others just felt that this idiot in the video needed some witty analysis

What do you think? Are sleds too environmentally damaging and noisy to be used in the mountains? Or is it just a case of everything in moderation? Leave your comments below.