This is an interesting arrest for the fashion police. It’s so interesting it has to have two photos just so that you can make sure what you’re looking at is real.
Photo: Joris Leferink
So there you are on a slope, thinking “Where are we? I’ll look at the piste map. Wait…where is it?!” Fear not stranded boarder as this little gem skis up to you. That’s right, he has a piste map plastered all over his one piece. I’m pretty sure that he didn’t make it himself. This is store bought. My only thought is for the company itself. Did they pick a selection of resorts or did they make one suit for each resort and put the respective map on their product? It’s just crazy. And what’s more, he seems particularly happy to be wearing it. Well, if I’m honest, it’s not the worst thing in the world knowing where you are all the time.
Photo: Joris Leferink
The only downside is always going to the same resort year after year because your outerwear won’t allow you to go anywhere else. Tsk. Ruled by the one piece.
We’ve just received a helpful email from Barcelona. Thanks to Marc for informing us it’s DC’s Mountain Lab ‘resort’. Doesn’t make the suit any better, it just asks more questions!